DAMAGE – Weapons Of Mass Destruction – LP


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Damage – Weapons Of Mass Destruction gives us quarter of an hour of US styled mayhemic thrash punk right down to its kick arse cartoon cover. You would never guess this Damagewas Swedish, the singer even has an American styled drawl and it’s the sound of the likes of D.R.I. through to Municipal Waste and everything in between. The only thing it would seem is missing is a song about zombies. Fast romps are designed to pogo and chicken dance to. You could totally strut around the dance floor with a massive Mohican and bondage trousers to songs like ‘This Is Our Show’ even if it’s about the band its music that totally demands audience interaction and it’s damn hard to sit still with it blowing out the speakers. There is a real classic sound and feel about this and you could cite a grazilion bands as it flings you around, all of them legendary from Minor Threat to D.O.A, The Vandals, The Stupids; well the list would be never ending but Damage do the job and literally throw a ‘Missile Attack’ of a disc at us.

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Weight 0,27 kg