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The mid west is producing some great punk rock these days. Dear Landlord and Chinese Telephones are definitely among the best of the bands doing their thing in middle America. Illinois’ Dear Landlord picks up where Rivethead left off a few years ago, which makes sense being that two ex members make up half of the band. The other half is made up of two current members of The Copyrights. With those two bands coming together you simply cannot go wrong. Doubled up gruff vocalists, urgent lyrics, stop-n-go driving rhythms and some slick guitar riffage make for some awesome tunes. Wisconsin’s Chinese Telephones are winning over fans from all genres of punk rock. Their music is hard to nail down to a certain style or sound. A big part of what separates them from the rest of the pack is their heartfelt lyrics delivered with an almost desperate vocal need to be heard. The music itself is quite unique is its own right – almost non-stop guitar riffs throughout each song from start to finish really bring something fresh to every second of every song these guys put out. This record was co-released with the fine folks over at Recess Records – by far one of the best independent punk rock labels the world over.
This one’s on PEACH vinyl ltd. to 145!

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Weight 0,08 kg