In customary style, Pettersson – who were able to leave a remaining impression with their 2016 debut, Rift & Seam – are leading off the split with the three minute, post-rock influenced screamo epos, Sensory Deprivation > Motion Sickness. Slowly Rising, the song is characterized by the ability of Adrian, Dominik and Tobias not to exaggerate, but to make clever use of post-rock riffs, wrapping Dominik’s breathtaking vocals into a well-composed sound garment.
Hereinafter, Det är därför vi bigger städer comes up with their part of the split, shifting the focus to a edgier sound, sticking a bit closer to the roots of the genre. On Reverse Polarity, the Swedes offer an intense mix of versatile guitar-playing and wild drumming, changing the pace quite a lot.