Heavy, raging hardcore from Germany, a potent mix of grooving tempos and high-energy delivery making for a racuous result! The vocals echo, spit and growl, the constant drum-pounding runs deep and the bass fuzzes so much at times I can hear the amps crackle – neat! The guitars are sharp and thick (like a rusty chainsaw) , the gang vocals come and go (sing along fucker!) and with these four tracks raging from mid-tempo to melody, then from solo to D-beat, this is mixed up enough to satisfy both plodders and spinners in the pit, with tracks “Disorder” and “Dark Grey” standing out for their hustling urgency and lyrical vomitus. Fans of old school Skandi/Japanese hardcore, the blown out Destino Final-influenced sound and the recent wave of rowdy USHC bands might like this. Standard but solid.